Sunday, August 26, 2007

I bid adieu to my Friends at HSBC GLT


Today happens to be my last day at HSBC GLT.

2 years. Sounds like a long time. Amongst friends, however, it passed by faster than an eye-blink. Leaving and never coming back to the place where you have been spending most part of your day for the past 2 years, didn't seem like that big a deal; until the day finally arrived. Today, a palpable disappointment bothers me and my heart pounds to accept that I will not see some of my best friends around from tomorrow. I just wish I could stay longer. But, at times, we need to reorganize our priorities and be open to the inevitable fact of life called "change".

With attrition rate touching new skies every day, good-bye emails have become more mundane than work-related emails. What bugs is, the unthoughtful and by far the most cliched statements like "I have learnt a lot from you", "Thank you for being an inspiration" etc. More often than not, these are just formalities. I mean, what could a build engineer, who executes shell scripts, possibly learn from a person who writes java programs to transfer money from one bank account to the other. Or, for that matter, from a person who addresses tickets on production boxes. :-)

Having said that, I do want to whole-heartedly thank all of you, but that is for making work place FUN for me. That is what I am going to cherish for the rest of life. I loved working at GLT because I was surrounded by excellent friends. I can never forget the times when we got together to celebrate or just talk our minds out. To smile and then chuckle and then laugh... That is what I am going to miss and remember each one of you for. You have been excellent peers and I have thouroughly enjoyed every single moment of my interaction with you.

My stint at GLT has given me some very valuable experience [and free telephone :-) ] for sure, but the more important thing that I have gained here is friends, whom I will never want to lose in my life.
As as I move on to explore new avenues outside, I carry with me unperishable memories of my time with you. (and a few stationary items. Hey, dont start judging me; I am just taking them as a souvenir :-) ]
I wish all of you well-being, prosperity and all the very best in all aspects of your life. Also, may you all get good bosses and a loyal girlfriend/boyfriend :-) [Please wish me the same. It is high time now. :-) ]
Finally, I thank all of you for being an inspiration and I have definitely learnt a lot from you. (I just realized that we have to write this. It's a tradition. The email would be jinxed without it :-) )
Take care, guys.
Good bye! and GOD BLESS YOU.


Oh! who am I kidding? Even if I try to run away, you would certainly track me down at yahoo or gmail or orkut. (Sometimes, i hate technology). So, I might as well give away my contact details to you myself.
Also, do visit [or get a life :-) ]

A man's true character can be determined by the way he treats a person who can do him no good.

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